Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Honoring the morning!!!

I wake in the morning with a smile on my face. The Almighty Creator has blessed me with another day. Another to live, to love, to work, to play, to pray, to share to give thanks!!

Most mornings, at The Potter's House, in Camps Estate, St. Kitts, I wake up to the sound of the wind rustling through the trees just outside my bedroom windows. The mango trees, the flowering bouganvillia and yellow bells, the banana trees. I listen to the tweetering of the birds as they jump from branches to alight on mangoes, to peck at them before I can get to the still almost green fruit. The clucking and crowing of roosters and hens and their tiny chicks form part of the music along with the sound of the footsteps of someone walking on the road which runs through the village. These are the sounds I hear as I get out of bed to stretch and pray and welcome the day.

Soon, baby Stara will awake and so to Miss Kande. I plan on doing some exercise and I would prefer if they continue to enjoy their beautiful morning slumber, I'm not always lucky. I fill a glass with water, I then open the front door to absorb the morning sun. I see the sun, not so brilliant today as it struggles to pierce it's strong light through the cloudy sky. I notcie that the family of chickens seem to have expanded overnight. I wonder for a moment, but not the first time, why I continue to feed them scraps of food when I get no eggs. I enjoy the sight of these avaricious creatures as they forage for their breakfast. I watch them nibble on mangoes which fell overnight. I should have made that my first priority...to pick up the fallen fruit. I continue to seep on a glass of cool water as I await my personal trainer. We have an arrangement to meet twice a week at 6am but it is 6.30am and he hasn't arrived as yet. I lay the mats and enjoy the morning, breathing and praying and absorbing the beauty of the day. Stara appears, crying. I quieten her down and share with her some of my water. We enjoy this time together.

My trainer arrives with his girlfriend and starts what turns out to be a really good workout. I try to incorporate Stara as much as I can so that she won't throw a tantrum.

We end the workout with some yoga, honouring the new day, the morning! He then went up in the trees and picked mangoes and I finally sunk my teeth into the wonderfully succulent fruit. What a way to start the day! I give thanks!

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