I decided to divide up the glaze colours on plates so that everyone would have a chance to work with a variety of colours so as to bring interest to their pieces. Some students used their creativity and played with the colours on their pieces but others stuck to one or two colours. I know working with colours on pottery tend to create fear so I totally understand. We had to work efficiently because I needed to repack the kiln by midday. Ms Street joined us at some point...she bropught along her friend who is also an art teacher on the island. Since this is the last week before school opens, I brought along both my daughters....Stara was very enthusiastic about painting so I gave her a pot I made along with one glaze colour and a brush....this kept her very happy. My older daughter was in her comfort zone since a number of her friends were in attendance....one of them a boy named Kieon, who joined the class last week and is constantly going off by himself and hardly ever does any work. They met at football camp earlier in the summer, so finally he has someone whom he can call his 'dawg!" Yesterday, he told me he didn't want to get dirty. He also gets a lot of heckling from the girls, who thinks he is unfriendly and depressed. Today, at some point a fight almost broke out between him and Eleisa....but then again, he seems to rub all th girls the wrong way...I think he is more interested in one girl in particular...he actually commented on her breasts! I think I have had to scold too many times.
Anyway we are almost done and with lots of encouragement, we were able to complete glazing the pieces and had the kiln packed by 12.30pm!

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